Best Disposable Ear Plugs for Motorcycling are the Moldex Purafit 6800 Ear Plugs!

Check out my video review of the Moldex Purafit 6800 ear plugs below. I’ve used these ear plugs for over a year and I highly recommend them. They block out the wind noise but still allow you to hear traffic for safety. You definitly want to be using ear plugs when you ride because if you don’t you will be damaging your ears. Wearing ear plugs also makes the ride more enjoyable. These moldex pura fit ear plugs fit great and you will forget you have ear plugs in they are so comfortable to use. At $21 for a big box of 200 of them is a fantastic deal and that box will last a long time. What’s also cool about these ear plugs is they are individually wrapped in pairs so you don’t have to worry about contamination or have to carry them in a case. You can just put a packet in your pocket or purse for easy traveling.

Click on the link below for the best deal on these ear plugs from Amazon!

3 thoughts on “Best Disposable Ear Plugs for Motorcycling are the Moldex Purafit 6800 Ear Plugs!

  1. Cool! Thanks for the recommendation. The foam ear plugs I use are individually wrapped so they are sterile and you only use them once and then throw then away. They work great for me so far but I will check into the ear plugs you are talking about! T

  2. I do shift work so use earplugs all the time. My favourite pair were moulded from a kit, they are much more comfortable than foam earplugs and last for ages. It’s much cheaper than having your ears molded by an audiologist; I’d recommend them to anybody who uses them regularly.

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