Riding for Depression

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    Hi everyone, I am happy to be a part of the Cyclecruza community.
    I live in Australia and love to ride my road bike, I like touring and riding in the Mountains, and just love to ride….period!
    As a person who lives with Depression, CC’s vlog on depression interested me with his take on how to ‘get rid’ of the dreaded condition by riding your bike.
    I understand that he has lost a family member to Depression and has suffered from it himself…..but to say that just by riding a Motorbike and throwing your medication out the window is a cure, is highly irresponsible, and potentially dangerous to those that live quite happily, medicated to control their depression.
    I fly hanggliders, kite surf, kayak, ride road and mountain bicycles and stay very fit……but I must take medication….end of story….and I’m ok with that.
    As CC said it is a chemical imbalance and a ride on a motorbike will not change that, sure it puts a bit of adrenaline in your system, but that’s a bandaid for a bigger problem.
    And actually CC you will see my motorbike parked outside my Psychologists office, along with a few others at times.
    I have been treated for Depression for over a decade, with little to no side affects whatsoever, for that I owe to the expertise of the professionals that have helped me over the years. I work full time, and am very fit, happy and live a life that I choose…..but without medication, Depression chooses, and that life is not pretty.
    As CC said money can’t buy happiness, but neither can a motorbike, or any other device……but they can help.
    This is my experience.

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