Why you shouldn’t ride a motorcycle. NFL Player Alex Collins motorcycle crash.
NFL player Alex collins recently died in a motorcycle crash in Florida. Here is why he died on a motorcycle and how you can avoid dying on a motorcycle. This video could possibly save your life…Link below!
Recently, I did a video on the tragic motorcycle accident that took Treat Williams’s life and so many people commented that they also got in a motorcycle accident and quit riding motorcycles. Or many riders say they quit riding after their family member or friend got killed in a motorcycle accident. So many riders get SCARED of motorcycles when they crash or hear about a deadly motorcycle crash. Well I made this video to help motivate you to get over the fear after a motorcycle crash…Link below!
The motorcycle crash that killed famous actor Treat Williams recently.
Last Monday 6/12/2023 famous actorTreat Williams was killed in a motorcycle accident in Vermont. His motorcycle accident is an all too common motorcycle accident involving a car that kills many riders. See my video recreation of approximately what took place in the accident and how you can help prevent this type of accident. This video could help save your life one day…Link below!
So many new riders often fail badly and either die or get hurt badly simply because of mistakes that could have been prevented. Too many riders want to take a short cut to riding a motorcycle and it can often cause problems. If you want to succeed at motorcycle riding and avoid danger then you need to watch my latest video of the common mistakes new riders often make that can be devastating…..WATCH VIDEO BELOW!
Why the most common motorcycle crash is the biker’s fault.
Many people love motorcycles and would like to ride a motorcycle but most people are scared of them because people think motorcycles are extremely dangerous. Although many people get hurt or die on a motorcycle it is usually the biker’s own fault. Why? See my latest YouTube video to see the most common motorcycle crash and why it’s always the biker’s fault usually…..WATCH VIDEO BELOW!
So you crashed on a motorcycle and now you are ready to quit riding. A motorcycle crash can be traumatizing and scare you into not ever riding a motorcycle again. People will even tell you that you are a fool for riding a motorcycle because they are so dangerous, However, most people that crash in a car and survive usually get back to driving a car. People lose their lives every day to car accidents but most people are not frightened of cars but many people are so scared of motorcycles. Yes cars can be safer because of airbag technology and safer built cars but motorcycles can also be safer too also because of airbag technology and rider skills. In this video, why you should never quit riding a motorcycle because of a crash .….WATCH VIDEO BELOW!
I was looking at the latest news and saw a lot of recent motorcycle deaths. I hate to see my fellow bikers die senselessly. Most of the motorcycle accident deaths could have been prevented. However, so many bikers are hard headed and lack skills that could have saved their lives. I made this video to help save bikers lives, this is why bikers die (and how not to die) .….WATCH VIDEO BELOW!
Learn from all of the mistakes I made with motorcycles.
I’ve been riding motorcycles non-stop for over twelve years and I had my fair share of mistakes over the years. Some of the mistakes cost me big time but even the smaller mistakes were costly. I’ve been on YouTube for ten years and have owned and ridden all types of motorcycles and can share all of the mistakes I made so you don’t have to.
In this video, motorcycle mistakes I made over the years and how you can learn from my past mistakes so you won’t make the same common mistakes ….WATCH VIDEO BELOW!
Do you love motorcycles but you worry about your safety on a motorcycle? Well I have some great tips on what not to do on a motorcycle to keep you from disaster. Staying safe on a motorcycle requires skill and street smarts. Many riders that go down often lack skills, street smarts and or miss certain things you should avoid doing on a motorcycle.
In this video, things to NEVER do on a motorcycle (If you want to stay safe!)….WATCH VIDEO BELOW!
So you got into a motorcycle crash and now you want to quit riding? Watch this video!
So you had a motorcycle crash and now you want to quit riding a motorcycle? People are telling you to get rid of your motorcycle because they are dangerous? Do you really want to quit riding a motorcycle because you’re scared now?
I bet you have been in a couple of car crashes in your lifetime but did you give up driving a car? Probably not!
In this video, motivation to get back riding a motorcycle after a crash and how to be a better rider……WATCH VIDEO BELOW!